Austin, Texas Food Photography with the TastingBuds
If you don’t already know, I’ve taken up a lot of new assignments shooting and writing for the food blog The Tasting Buds. I’m really happy about this because these assignments allow me to combine my passions for both photography and food – and I get to experience some really tasty things along the way. We do a lot of fun things on the blog like restaurant reviews, Food Comparison field trips, Interviews with local food celebrities, and talking about great meals we’ve had.
Here are a lot of select photos from my work over the past few months, enjoy!
Giant 10 patty burger at Elevation Burger
mini cupcakes from Wicked Cupcakes in Austin, Texas
Custom cookies from Polkadots Cupcake Factory
Chocolate Nutella Cupcake from Polkadots Cupcake Factory
Food Kitty – Playing with your food is for adults too
Victoria Young -
i always bookmark food blogs becuase i want to look at new recipes.-;`